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Dinas Drama Group / Grŵp Drama Dinas

11/07/2024 04:00:00 PM to 17:00

Do you like performing? If you want a space to be Creative and make friends, then drama group might be for you.

Dinas Drama Group
Every Thursday 4-5pm @ Dinas Project

For more information email:

Join the Dots… a partnership with Sparc, Valleys Kids and Leeway Productions.
Sparc, Valleys Kids Youth Arts Project is so excited about our ‘Join the Dots’ Project, a huge thank you to the Arts Council of Wales for funding this
through the ‘Create’ lottery scheme. We are thrilled to be working in partnership with Leeway Production & supported by Llanfair Uniting Church in
Penrhys, Wales Millennium Centre and National Dance Company Wales.


Ydych chi’n hoffi perfformio?

Os ydych chi eisiau rhywle i fod yn greadigol ac i wneud ffrindiau, yna efallai mai ymuno â grŵp drama yw’r ateb. 

Grŵp Drama Dinas

Bob dydd Iau 4-5yp ym Mhrosiect Dinas 

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth e-bost at:

Dinas Drama Group